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A member registered Nov 15, 2016

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THIS IS FOR EVERYBOY WHO CANT RUN THE GAME BECAUSE OF THE EXECUTE PROBLEM if you set the game to a different map then you must move the file ravenfield_Data (the second folder) to the same map as where you moved the game it self just in the map is enough for your pc to play the game in doesnt have to be next to the game just in the same file where you put your game

THIS IS FOR EVERYBOY WHO CANT RUN THE GAME BECAUSE OF THE EXECUTE PROBLEM if you set the game to a different map then you must move the file ravenfield_Data (the second folder) to the same map as where you moved the game it self just in the map is enough for your pc to play the game in doesnt have to be next to the game just in the same file where you put your game

you most likely need winrar (higly recommened)

if you set the game to a different map then you must move the file ravenfield_Data (the second folder) to the same map as where you moved the game it self just in the map is enough for your pc to play the game in doesnt have to be next to the game just in the same file where you put your game